
scrappy web

I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently. The early days of the internet was full of people with their own little servers, hosting some random pieces of software, just doing whatever they were doing with no regard for the greater whole.

Even early blog hosting companies simply let you edit raw html and JavaScript to make your blog look like whatever junk you wanted it to look like.

And we found each other. Not because we posted on the same subreddit about the same niche topic, but because we put our whole selves into our own scrappy little space, and linked it, and let people peer in and see who we were. Who we were, as people, not how we engaged with a specific type of typewriter on r/typewriter_repair.

This is the scrappy web I miss. Hodgepodge, unique, cobbled together. When websites were websites.

And it’s still out there. Help me find it?