digital gardening
I seem to be rolling around trying to figure out how to properly grow my digital garden.
I have the tools I need, but capture is a problem. Why?
- Short note taking is harder than it should be. Would Evernote, or similar apps help here?
- Highlighting and annotating articles doesn’t seem like a solved problem. At least in a way that works for me
- I don’t really feel like anything I come across or learn is especially profound - is this a consumption problem? Should I change how I gather information in hopes of generating more epiphanies and note?
- Output is a problem. In the modern world it’s hard to share and get feedback without being all in on social media. I need to look to older style web rings and the like, see if there’s ways to communicate via essays and quotebacks that work for me.
I don’t think I have much else to say. This note will remain evergreen and will be updated with time.